It's not sexy, but farmers & home gardeners "LOVE" to get down and dirty with regenerative soil.

-Foodways at Nana Cardoon | Urban Farm & Learning Center
“Nutrient rich soil is the grounding | basis of #local life! ”
-Eat Drink Washington County
What Does Soil Do?...What Doesn't it do?!
Good #soil is the peanut butter to a plant's jelly. Soil acts as a plant's food pantry. Healthy soil anchors & provides essential nutrients to a plant's root system, filters water and can store carbon.
Fun Fact: Soil helps keep ground water free from pollutants, too.
Soil is a playground for billions of organisms, this is critical for #biodiversity.
Below are the 5 layers of soil: FoodPrint.
Organic Layer
Parent Material

To be clear, dirt is NOT soil. Dirt (broken-down rocks) plus water, air and organic matter (bacteria, fungi, worms, & insects) equals soil. Both soil & plants are the complex foundation of the intricate soil food web.
Soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all.
-Wendell Berry, author of The Unsettling of America
Home soil is vital in producing #nutrient rich food & drink. The conversation is just getting started. Reach out and dish with us, together we learn and local stronger.
Sarah Confer of Nomomente
Food Print
Wendell Berry of The unsettling of America